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While there is always sunrise and sunset in Iceland, from May 19 until July 23 the sun does not set far enough below the horizon for it to be considered night (Tzeis Hakochavim). Therefore the following rulings apply.


Maariv: Maariv may be said from Plag Hamincha (Mincha should be said before Plag Hamincha).


Shema: According to some Halachic authorities evening Shema may be said from Plag Hamincha. According to Shulchan Aruch Harav Shema should be said again after Alos Hashachar (and before Netz Hachama).


Shabbos: You may begin Shabbos and Yom Tov from Plag Hamincha (including on both nights of Shavuos).


Motzei Shabbos: On Motzei Shabbos Maariv may be said from Plag Hamincha (Mincha should be said before Plag Hamincha). Ata Chonantanu should be said. Havdala may be said from Alos Hashachar. Eish and Besamim should not be used for Havdalah. 


Kiddush levana: Kiddush Levana should not be said.


Sefiras ha'omer: Sefiras Ha'omer may be said after Shkiah with a Bracha.

Mikvah: Contact Rabbi or Rebbitzin Feldman regarding using the Mikvah.


Eiruv: Reykjavik does not have an Eiruv.

For more details and sources for this Halacha page click here.

Please contact Rabbi Feldman for further questions.

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